Celestine Tan is a UX researcher and designer based in Boston, MA.

After a Master degree in Ergonomics from University of Paris-Sud and a PhD degree in Computer Sciences from LIMSI-CNRS (Paris, FR), she has been working with corporations, agencies and early startups while working on her own projects and developing her own vision. She loves to design & conceptualise engaging and meaningful experiences for digital applications and services while keeping the core principles of human-centered design.

She is inspired by the times, feelings and images that leave their imprint on her. Sempé and the love for Paris, the valse d'Amélie by Yann Tiersen and Bretagne in the rain, Isabella Gardener's century palace revised in Rinzo Piano's contemporain vision ... 
Personal preferences, cultural backgrounds, and associated memories can all prompt contrasting opinions as to the value and meaning of a particular color. Color unites the whole design process. 
She believes the world is better with aesthetics, otherwise it is either the humdrum repetition of familiar clichés or a wild scramble for novelty. But design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. People are the best source of inspiration.

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